Sunday, August 3, 2014

Friday night with friends etc

I signed up for FNFW but in between making and eating vege soup, beer bread and Karen Martini's lucious lemon and poppyseed cake and watching a movie all I ended up doing was cutting some hexies for the drawstring bag I'm planning to make. The pattern is Judy's Dilly Bag, designed by Judy Newman from a very fine house. It's hand pieced - hmmm, not sure about that - and will use up lots of  the accumulated bits and pieces of fabric that I can't bear to throw away. This will be a long-term project so don't hold your breath.

Friday was a cold, snowy, indoorsy sort of day; this is only the second time I've seen snow in Ballarat in the 10 years we've lived here and it was beautiful to watch. Yesterday and today began with a bumper frost (-2 this morning)  that brought clear blue skies.

Yesterday afternoon we headed up to Daylesford for a concert featuring the Melbourne Scottish Fiddle Orchestra and two travelling musicians from Scotland, Chris Stout (fiddle) and Catriona McKay (harp). We'd last seen Chris and Catriona featuring in a fabulous group from the Shetland Islands, Fiddlers Bid, when they played at the inaugural 10 Days on the Island Festival in Tasmania years ago, so we knew it would be a great concert - and it was. And at the end of the concert, the musicians left the stage, still playing their instruments as they left the hall,  farewelling the audience in such an unexpected, happy way.


Cath said...

Love the bag. Hope you are staying warm. Can't believe we had 31 degrees here in Brisbane on Friday and the next day it dropped back to 21.....cold today too.

Cheryll said...

Even a "little"is participating...and some "me"time. It was great having your company!

Susan said...

I'm sure you will love the hand piecing once you get going. I'd love to see some snow, but it was just freezing here.

Anonymous said...

Oh I can see this will be a wonderful project for you Jan,and your concert sounds wonderful,enjoy your evening my friend.xx

Rosie said...

The bag is going to look great and the fabric is a wonderful choice. Love the sound of dinner at your place.

Fiona said...

how fun to have the snow .....

Lorraine said...

You will love hand piecing that bag I am sure - we didn't get snow here :(... just the cold! The last few mornings have been below zero with beautiful sunny days to follow. Sounds like the concert was fun ....mmmmm I love lemon anything so reading about your lemon poppyseed cake made my mouth water!

Leanne said...

I've seen this cute bag on IG can't wait to see your version.
Stay warm.

kiwikid said...

Love that pattern and the hexies, hope today is a little warmer for you!

Chookyblue...... said...

that is such a great little bag..........

Sue2sew said...

Lovely project. Funnily enough last Friday here in the South on NZ which is normally cold this time of year had our warmest August day on record. It didn't last though and we are now expecting snow tomorrow. Brr!

Valspierssews said...

The hexie bag looks like a cute project. Sounds like you had a great weekend.

Mary K said...

Every little bit helps.I think the little bag is very cute. Good luck on finishing it.