This is what I finished yesterday; it's the Spring Blossom stitchery from Leanne Beasley's Vignette magazine (Issue 4). I love her designs; so fresh and pretty. It's wrapped around a canvas and stapled at the back. You'll be pleased to know it looks much better hanging on my sewing room wall than it does in the photo
And the little number below is a triangular log cabin pincushion I made this afternoon. I found it on the Riley Blake blog; it's designed by Jeni from In Color Order who designs and makes lovely stuff. I had fun picking which scraps to use; not so much fun filling it (I kept losing control of the bag of crushed walnut shells, which is my favourite filler, but boy does it travel when you spill it...)
Two finishes in two days; I'm quite impressed with myself. Is it immodest to pat myself on the back? Probably, but I'm doing it anyway.
May I pat you on the back too? *G* Love that stitchery, and your pincushion is great! I'm quite familiar with travelling stuffing, blech...
Have a pat on the back from another wee Scottish lassie
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