Monday, February 14, 2011

My Monday morning so far...

It's just after 10 am and I'm exhausted already.

Around 9.45 I raced out of the shower to answer a phone call from the guy who is going to cut down the huge alder tree in our back yard. He said he'd be there in 15 minutes - yikes! Definitely not enough notice, so I rearranged for 10 am then rushed round getting Gus and Katie, our two daft but delightful Cavaliers into the garage and opening the side gate; went inside to a phone message saying the appointment would now be at 1.30, so I reversed the process but forgot to shut the gates.

Of course Gus and Katie took full advantage of the situation and zoomed off (they run really really fast and are serial runaways whenever they get the chance). Lucky me, they hadn't gone far and actually came when I called them - phew! And yes, this time I remembered to shut the gates. Definitely time for a cuppa and a bikky.


Liz said...

Hmmm, I've got a serial runaway too and I think she's training the pup..! Lucky for us though the furthest she runs is down the paddock to roll in the roo poo...!!
Good luck with the loping.

Allie said...

Oh no!!!!! They're too cute, but they look a little guilty, lol. You poor thing! I hope you got a nap!

Vicki said...

LOL In years gone by it would have been time for a bex and a lie down :)

Tess said...

Just like naughty kids!! I have an indoor fur baby that likes to chase the other cats over the fence whenever he can escape...then you're left running around like a chook with it's head cut off.

Annie said...

Oh Jan, what a funny story! I wonder how it looks without the tree. I'll have to pop in and see.

Linda said...

Ohhh...they are so cute...I bet you could get mad at them for long!!

De said...

OOPS! No wonder you were tired.

Sarah said...

How cute! They are just like what our Henry was! And, my two used to run for it too if the gate was left open..... Miss Sophie is fantastic and wont stray too far from us!
x Sarah